Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

PCB-containing waste is regulated under the Victorian Environmental Protection Act 1970 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A National Management Plan (Polychlorinated biphenyls management plan) provides guidance on the safe management and phase-out of PCBs and minimum standards for storage, handling, use and disposal of PCB materials.

Electrical capacitors used in fluorescent light units can be assumed to contain more than 50mg/kg PCB. Material above the 50mg/kg PCB threshold is classified as scheduled waste and requires treatment at a licensed facility.


PCB containing capacitors or other equipment removed for disposal and transport must be stored in a polyethylene bag and sealed within a metal drum. The drum must be clearly labelled 'Environmental contaminant - Class 6.1 (A) contains polychlorinated biphenyl.'

PCB inside fluorescent light capacitor 

PCB inside fluorescent light capacitor